Every year Busy Bees undertakes a survey of parents, helping us to identify our strengths, weaknesses, and where we need to grow to best meet the children’s needs. We are pleased to say that the results of our latest survey were very positive!
- 100% of respondents strongly agreed that their child enjoys coming to Busy Bees
- 100% of respondents strongly agreed that their child was helped to settle into the pre-school
- 100% strongly agreed that they felt comfortable approaching the staff with questions, suggestions or problems
- 100% agreed or strongly agreed that Busy Bees encourages the children to be healthy
- 100% strongly agreed that their child is safe and well cared for in the setting
- 100% agreed or strongly agreed that their child’s behaviour is good at the pre-school
- 100% strongly agreed that they are given enough information about their children and their activities
- 100% strongly agreed that the pre-school is well led and managed
Feedback and comments received included:
“Very proud to be a Busy Bee!”
“Can’t wait to get to nursery in the morning.”
“We love the whole Forest School side to Busy Bees and feel very lucky to be able to engage in this.”
“Loves preschool, always happy and smiling when I pick up.”
To find out more about attending Busy Bees Pre-school, please contact Debbie on 07957 152192 or email Busybeespreschoolteam@hotmail.com.